Klederdrachten: de Schoonheid van ons Land (Traditional Costume: The Beauty of Our Land) by Thienen, F.W.S. van, and J. Duyvetter, text Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Contact, 1962 Text in Dutch. Part 18 in a series Land and People. 83 pages followed by a photographic section by Cas Orthuys of 184 b/w captioned photos of costumes, 4 color plates frontis, 10 color plates with 12 illustrations, bibliography, index; Traditional Costumes of the Netherlands with history and development including of the Island of Marken, photos of people in daily life and in individual towns and areas, from the Arnheim Museum.
See also ''T SCHOT IS TE BOORD by Herman van der Horst ... This film, commissioned by the European Film Unit, one of the Marshall Aid organisations, is an overwhelming account of the labour-intensive North Sea herring fishing industry. Van der Horst filmed the fishermen during their work. He does this using his characteristically rough-hewn yet lyrical style, with great eye for detail. Scenes include the departure from the harbour of Scheveningen, the journey to the Doggersbank (''one full day and one full night''s sailing, bearing north by northeast''), the hauling in of the nets during the night, and finally, the festive arrival in the harbour. Everything about this documentary is overwhelming. The images are very dynamic, abrupt and almost rough in the way it has been edited. Wide shots and close-ups follow each other at a fast pace. Sound plays an important part in the film: the rattling of chains, the staccato radio communication, the seagulls, the ship''s horns, the rhythmical singing of the teams of labourers.
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