zaterdag 4 november 2017

Quindicigiorni. Il Festival Nazionale de l'Unità a Napoli Luciano D'ALESSANDRO Propaganda Photography

Quindicigiorni. Il Festival Nazionale de l'Unità a Napoli (Italian) 
Publisher: Sezione Centrale di Stampa e Propaganda della Direzione del P.C.I.,; Prima edizione (First Edition) edition (1977)
Language: Italian

The book gives an impression of the meeting of the C.P.I. in Naples in 1976. The photos of Luciano d'Alessandro show the preparation and the actual event. The book also contains an introductory text by Enrico Berlinguer, one of the foremost politicians of post-war Italy and chairman of the party from 1972 until his death in 1984.

See also

Propaganda vs Protest Books Gerry Badger Photobook Phenomenon

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