...a photoBook is an autonomous art form, comparable with a piece of sculpture, a play or a film. The photographs lose their own photographic character as things 'in themselves' and become parts, translated into printing ink, of a dramatic event called a book...
- Dutch photography critic Ralph Prins
dinsdag 25 maart 2008
Dutch Eyes Mark Kolthoff & de Nieuwe Fotografie in Nederland Photography
Andriesse, Emmy (NL, 1914-1953) ; Besnyö, Eva (H/NL, 1910-2003) ; Blans, Nico Jan Marie (NL, 1917) named Nic ; Blazer, Carel (NL, 1911-1980) ; Blumenfeld, Erwin (D/USA, 1897-1969) ; Breijer, Charles (NL, 1914) ; Brusse, Wim (NL, 1910-1978) ; Cahn, Henny (NL, 1908) ; Citroen, Paul (D/NL, 1896-1983) ; Doesburg, Theo van (NL, 1883-1931) ; Domela, César (NL/F, 1900-1993) ps. of Domela Nieuwenhuis, César ; Elenbaas, Wally (NL, 1912) ps. of Valdemar Hansen ; Elffers, Dick (NL, 1910-1990) ; Fernhout, John (NL, 1913-1987) ; Graaff, Cok de (NL, 1904-1988) ; Guermonprez, Paul (B/NL, 1908-1944) ; Haas, Nico de (NL, 1907) ps. of Elkar Nickel van Santduyn ; Hartland, Paul (NL, 1910-1991) ; Hellebrekers, Fons (NL, 1901-1994) ; Horst, Henk van der (NL, 1912-1942) ; Huizinga, Menno (NL, 1907-1947) ; Kamman, Jan (NL, 1898-1983) ; Kiljan, Gerrit (NL, 1891-1968) ; Kleijn, Karel Johan (NL, 1911-1937) ; Kolthoff, Mark (NL, 1901-1992) ; Moerkerken, Emiel van (NL, 1916-1995) ; Ojen, Evert Marinus van (NL, 1886-1964) ; Oorthuys, Cas (NL, 1908-1975) ; Hajo (D, 1910-1989) ps. of Hans-Joachim Rose ; Salomon, Erich (D, 1886-1944) ; Schuitema, Paul (NL, 1897-1973) ; Suschitzky, Wolfgang (A/GB, 1912) named Wolf ; Tirion, Ing. Carel Jan (NL, 1905-1993) ; Wolf, Hans (NL, 1909-1992) ; Zwart, Piet (NL, 1885-1977)
...Photography is the visual medium of the modern world. As a means of recording, and as an art form in its own, it pervades our lives and shapes our perceptions...
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