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"Gripped by the 'New Photography', Eva Besnyö(1910-2003) became the reporter of life on the streets: she photographed coalers, dustmen, artists and children not from the waist height, where her 6x6 Rolleiflex hung, but generally from a low camera angle. At other moments she looked down on the shadows on cobbles or dirt tracks from a bird's-eye perspective. Her fascinating images reveal her exceptional eye for detail and design. In the autumn of 1932 the Budapest-born photographer left Berlin for the Netherlands, where she would live for the rest of her life. Through her mother-in-law Charley Toorop she fell in with a circle of avant-garde artists, painters, architects and cinematographers. Eva found her niche among them, primarily through her photographic style, the New Realism which she had mastered in Berlin. Architectural photography and portraits were an important source of income for her. In addition to 'highlights' from her oeuvre that Besnyö herself selected for what she called her 'Choice Collection', this book includes a large number of magnificent, unknown, never before published or exhibited works." (Publishers text)

Family Tree is a project that I started in the autumn of 2003. The last additions for this book were made in the spring of 2007. This is not a book that shows a traditional family tree. It’s a collection of 108 pictures of persons who were important for me during my life. Those persons are part of the way I walked through life. Some of them were part of significant periods of my life others were more or less important for whom I am today. Relevant people who have died before I started this series are not part of the project. People who were valuable during my life but have a reason not to participate to this project are made (in-) visible by a black frame. The Map to My Surroundings is placed on an imaginary time line. By this you can take a look over my shoulder and meet the people belonging to different periods of my life. Those people are the participants of my own social surroundings excluding my family. The Maps to My Father’s- and My Mother’s Surroundings are built up around my parents. The reason to separate them is because they divorced when I was three years old. Hereafter they gave a new direction to their lives that resulted in two different social surroundings. Important for the understanding of The Map to My Father’s Surroundings are his relationships after his marriage with my mother and the social structures around my half-sister. This series ends with his four brothers and four sisters and most important people around them. The Map to My Mother’s Surroundings starts with her farmer ancestors to show our family background that my mother often told me about. Next to that is a construction of related people around her husband, her friends, and her family. The last map has been composed around my own relationship. The people belonging to this series are connected to my girlfriend and me. This map contains a new social structure and shall expand. Finally I can conclude that Family Tree is a self-investigation. The way to connect people by photographs was an understandable manner to get a clear vision of my roots. The overall picture of this project is my autobiographic picture. — Ringel Goslinga

Since 1993 the Chinese government has been working on the Three Gorges Dam in the middle of China. The storage reservoir has forced the evacuation of villages, monuments and whole cities, , forcing up to 1.3 million people to move to cities higher up on the mountainsides, constructed in great haste, shrouded in the resevoir’s near-permanent fog. Niels Stomps’ series of pictures shows life in these new cities. In spite of the hectic way of life in a Chinese city these are stilled images; Stomps has a highly personal capacity for observation. Take note of the astonishing effect of a series of still lives of windows photographed from the inside. See for a Review by 5B4 ...

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