donderdag 21 februari 2013

Voodoo 2013 The Curse and the Trade Ghana Togo Benin Nicola Lo Calzo Photography

Nicola Lo Calzo is an Italian photographer born in Torino in 1979. After training in architecture, he started his artistic endeavour in 2001. His photography is that of a documentary proposal, undertaken halfway between journalism and art, while focusing on minority issues and human rights. He contributes with the press on a regular basis (Newsweek, Courrier International, Le Monde, LibĂ©ration, Geo, Eyemazing, Photo, Repubblica, Corriere della Sera, La Stampa,…), and is also commissioned by institutional or commercial enterprises (Unesco, SFR foundation, Alinari Foundation …). His work has been exhibited in France and in other countries, and most notably at Rencontres d’Arles, at the Confluences Museum, and at the Alinari National Museum for Photography, in Italy. His photographs are in private collections and museums, such as the Alinari Archives and the National Library of France. Nicola Lo Calzo lives and works in Paris.

Nicola Lo Calzo, 1979, Italy, is a documentary and portrait photographer based is Paris. His photographic work focuses on minorities and human rights issues, often in African countries. In his series Inside Niger he portrayed the population that live and work on the borders of the Niger river. The river functions as the center of Nigeria's economy, but pollution and desertification have become obstacles to economic development. One of his latest series is Morgante, telling the story of several individuals. Dwarfism, a person of short stature resulting from a particular medical condition, is the common demoninator between the portrayed. Nicola's work has been published extensively and exhibited throughout Europe. The following images come from the series MorganteInside Niger andThe Other Family.

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