woensdag 10 november 2010

The Airport Pictures of Garry Winogrand Photography

Well I had an amazing vacation, Miami is great off season. Our flight home was even more stressful then the disaster on the way. It seems customer service no longer exists in the airline industry. It is too bad, because no matter how great your trip is, the airline sucks any feelings of relaxation or happiness out of you. The latest exciting development is paying $10 per bag. And first they took the free honey roasted peanuts away, then the pretzels, then the food, and now even water & soda must be purchased – at least on Spirit Airlines. I imagine soon we will asked to ‘chip in’ for gas, like in a ride share. I remember as a child, the flight attendants offered you pillows, blankets and magazines, of course there was a smoking section then. (I guess not all the changes are bad)

After seeing my last post, Barney Kulok alerted me to Gary Winogrand’s body of work on airports. The work captures the entire travelling experience with Winogrand’s signiture frenetic, birds-eye style. It is amazing to see how much things have changed, but the emotional moments could be from now. There is something wonderful about that. We all is strive to create images that will resonate forty years later. I have borrowed from, Photo-eye and posted from the book below.

In truth, I sometimes forget about Winogrand. He is part of the Frank, Friedlander trifecta, and I tend to go for the other two. But looking at these images, I realize that I have been not given Winogrand his due. There is something about how is manages to be both in the world, but also an invisible commentator. By selecting certain moments, we are given insight into the subject, and our made into voyeurs with the photographer. Modern paparazzi shooters have appropriated Winogrand visual language, but in their effort to expose, they actually reveal nothing. Whereas Winogrand’s images boil over with meaning. The sight of the women at the airport in curlers, who has attempted to cover them with a head scarf, is worth the price of the book for me.

Gary Winogrand
Gary Winogrand’s Arrivals & Departures
Gary Winogrand’s Arrivals & Departures
Gary Winogrand’s Arrivals & Departures
Gary Winogrand’s Arrivals & Departures
Gary Winogrand’s Arrivals & Departures
Gary Winogrand’s Arrivals & Departures
Gary Winogrand’s Arrivals & Departures
Gary Winogrand’s Arrivals & Departures
Gary Winogrand’s Arrivals & Departures

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